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July 16 2024

NEXT MEETING DAY TUESDAY  - July 23 2024  12:00 - to the End

MEETING PLACE:  Papapollino’s Mediterranean Bistro   2501 McHenry Ave  Modesto  CA   (Web-Site)


President for the Day

John Hertle



Your temporary editor (Hugh Brereton) was dragooned into immediate meeting secretary duty.  A Board meeting as set, but due to the expected absence of persons normally attending the meetings, Bill Godin’s request for more time, and the absence for Craig Haupt, The date information will be sent soon to members


    The Pledge was performed by Harold Petersen

    The Prayer was performed by Jeremiah Williams

    The Song, as usual, was led by Don Ahrens the audience (members present) said, “It was not bad at all.”


           Jeremiah, Parade Chair, commented, in post-parade comments, that we really needed more people present to help at the staging area sending the entrants off on time  and where they belonged in the Parade. Jeremiah was happy otherwise with the Parade -As a Fair Board member, he is involved with the Stanislaus County Fair. The big problem was the extreme heat! Originally, the entrance number of people was seemingly headed to 50% below expected, but things improved to 25% below expected.


       Secret Greeter:  Don Ahrens was the Secret Greeter. He claimed he wasn’t so told. Situation “unclear” thus we moved on all members greeted Don.


Happy & Sad Bucks


       Paul Hearst was busy. His TV was having power issues, and the seller was wavering on fixing it (could not be fixed). Not to fear, the seller gave him a new, improved model at twice the price of the original. Paul is happy  

      Don Ahrens is happy too: his refrigerator, freezer and ice water all failed. the water caused the flooring to be replaced, and the trim similarly replaced. But:   “All is now fixed despite a long time. Don is happy, the world is happy.

         Don Ahrens gave us a meteorological story about why temperature can vary due to elevation although in the same meteorological situation. The Editor was so confused, so my comments stop here.              

         John & Carole Thoming are spending the next 3 week on the coast.

        John Hertle, picked up a wind glass last night, top half of the goblet shatter, leaving the majority of the bottom half intact. The problem? The top half took several chunks of is finger out!


          The new officers, etc.; will be listed in the next Bulletin. Paul has fixed and updated the Website, as well as the Bulletin.


Club officers for 2024-2025

President                    Kevin Scott

President Elect          Craig Haupt

Secretary                   John Hertle

Treasurer                  Paul Hearst


Hugh Brereton         Dan Fitzgerald

Harold Petersen           Don Ahrens

John Thoming           Carol Thoming

Charlie Nguyen


           Bill Gordin won the Drawing. As he only wanted scratchers, he was happy


                The $25.00 dues increase was increased in the recent International election. We were not happy.


                Adjourned. Hugh Brereton



Thank You,

 John W Hertle

EXIT Realty Touchstone - EXIT Realty Consultants

Touchstone Property Management

Modesto Kiwanis 01060991


(209) 595-3944